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Temperature test chamber

Communication modules are used in vehicles for automatic emergency calls, or in machines, systems, and devices for external control and communication. Communication modules are used in vehicles for automatic emergency calls, or in machines, systems, and devices for external control and communication. For the test, the products to be tested are placed in the interchangeable carriers outside the temperature cabinet and then manually inserted into the temperature cabinet and contacted. 

Communication modules are used in vehicles for automatic emergency calls, or in machines, systems, and devices for external control and communication. Communication modules are used in vehicles for automatic emergency calls, or in machines, systems, and devices for external control and communication. For the test, the products to be tested are placed in the interchangeable carriers outside the temperature cabinet and then manually inserted into the temperature cabinet and contacted. 



Functional tests
of electronic assemblies



Functional tests
of electronic assemblies

Component size


for smaller


The integration of contacting modules in standard temperature chambers enables cost-effective solutions.


Customized design of the individual interchangeable carriers according to the customer’s geometry requirements 
High-frequency cables and interfaces to match the variety of the customer’s product portfolio

Your advantages

0 1

Easy manual contacting

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Temperature-resistant design

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Interface to the test system

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Simple interchangeable carrier exchange

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Reliable contacting

0 6

Compact design

Do you have individual requirements?

We will find the right solution.
From process analysis to the finished system.

Das hat hervorragend funktioniert!

Wir werden uns schnellstmöglich mit ihnen in Verbindung setzen und ihnen die gewünschte Eintrittskarte zusenden. 

Wir freuen darauf, Sie persönlich auf der Messe kennenzulernen.

Ihr Engmatec-Team