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To support request


Fritz Reichle Ring 5
78315 Radolfzell

Tel. +49 / 7732 / 9998-0
Fax +49 / 7732 / 9998-88

Company Management: Peter Sauter
District Court: Freiburg
Commercial register No.: HRB 550 455
Sales tax ID No.: DE164677236
Tax identification No. 18117/57816

Liability disclaimer:

Despite conscientious checking we do not, however, assume any liability for completeness and accuracy of the data and for the contents of external links. The providers of linked website are themselves solely responsible for the content of their pages. The information provided is updated and supplemented on an ongoing basis and may be modified and deleted without advance notice on our part.

The contents of the ENGMATEC GmbH internet website are protected by copyright and may only be used in unmodified form with the prior written approval of ENGMATEC. Reproduction of information, in particular the use of texts, text portions and pictorial materials, is not allowed.

Downloading of the files and programs made available is at the user’s own risk. We are not liable for any damages resulting from installation or use of the web contents or software.

Photo credits: 

Photo studio
Hanse Knödler –

Stock photos
Adobe Stock –
Freepik Company –

All rights to pictures and images, including all copyright and other intellectual property rights relating to the images, remain with the image’s originator. Should we inadvertently breach third-party rights we request you to immediately contact us at

Concept, design and development:

W3 digital brands GmbH
Theodor-Heuss-Str. 1
78467 Konstanz


Das hat hervorragend funktioniert!

Wir werden uns schnellstmöglich mit ihnen in Verbindung setzen und ihnen die gewünschte Eintrittskarte zusenden. 

Wir freuen darauf, Sie persönlich auf der Messe kennenzulernen.

Ihr Engmatec-Team